Death Is Precious

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints” Ps 116:15

There is something profoundly beautiful about his scripture. It moves my heart, yet the reality of its implications releases a sadness in my heart. Lately I have encountered several people with cancer who are dying because the treatments have not reversed the effects of this horrible disease.

GOD has blessed this world with a wonderful woman named Kara Tippetts, who has been brave enough to allow us to be apart of her journey of battling cancer and facing death. Please see her BLOG ….Mundane Faithfulness and buy her ebook titled “The Hardest Peace”. This awesome woman of GOD and her family have truly changed my perspective in many areas of my life.

I have spent the last couple of days with one of my beautiful spiritual daughters who is 21 years old. I had not seen her in a few years because her family moved to another city a few years back. I have thought of her and her siblings often and we were reconnected this week when a picture of her appeared on FB, she was standing in a hospital room with no hair and battling cancer. GOD immediately had me reach out to her Mom and go see her the very next day. I had never been inside a cancer hospital and the reality of this terrible disease was starring me in the face as I walked down the halls. My daughter is afraid and rightly so. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me explain to her the beauty of a physical death when we are in Christ Jesus. I crawled in to bed with her and we laid there catching up on the past few years. She laid her head on my chest like a baby looking for her Mom. I held her and told her the story of God’s redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation and she wanted Jesus in her heart. God’s presence was so thick in that room. I felt His mercy and amazing love embrace us both. She has a 7 month old son and 2 year old daughter. Only God knows the path she must walk, but now she gets to walk it with Him.

Then my son sent me a message about a young man we have known for the past four years and he is in his thirties and he is in his last stages of cancer. He has been battling for years and there is nothing else to be done medically. I hurt for him.

I must admit that all three of these real life stories have truly gripped my heart and has me stepping further back and examining my own life.

I may not be diagnosed with cancer but I am dying. We all are closer to death each day. Every breathe is one breathe before our last one. The issue is not death, but the issue is what happens beyond life on this earth.

Life here is only a vapor and there is an eternal life that we were created for if we choose to abide in Christ Jesus as our personal LORD and Savior. The sadness is from the possibility of watching people die too soon, but joy comes when they are in Christ Jesus because death is really life.

I don’t know much, but one thing I do know right now is that the temporary pleasures of this life is a waste of time and energy. We must direct our full attention on seeking intimacy with our Abba Father and LORD Jesus.

We must urgently tell the lost about the love of God and the Gospel of the Kingdom. It is our time as believers to rise up right now. Why? because we will die one day; sooner than we think.

Eseosa Rain

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