God-Reality. God-Initiative. God-Provisions.

Simplicity is the reality of who God is;  God initiates simplicity so that we can hunger for God provision.  Matthew 6:25-26 (Message Version) says If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than  the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and u fettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to Him than birds. 



Yesterday we did not have electricity for the majority of the day and it was amazing to experience the laughter of one another………….why? No internet to pull our faces into our phones and other electronic gadgets that distract us from real human interaction. 

Communicating face-to-face removes some of our walls of self protection and open our hearts up to authentic grace infused relationships. 

A simple life with less stuff and more of God is a blessed life.  I am learning and growing by experiencing and intentionally removing the stuff and placing myself among the poorest.  I am tired of pretending I am not one of the rich young rulers, when my comforts reveal the opposite.  

This journey is not always easy but always necessary. I must go lower and lower so that He can be lifted higher and higher. 

God-Reality.     God-Initiative.  God-Provisions.

4 thoughts on “God-Reality. God-Initiative. God-Provisions.”

  1. Great blog. Love the simplicity of God! We tend to over-complicate life and make it what it was never intended to be but once we receive a heavenly perspective, then and only then can we begin to experience the indelible love, grace and provision of our awesome Daddy!


    1. The simplicity of God is total surrender! What a life without the reign of God!

      We are what we are because of the making of God. We sometime assume our existence. If God brought us here on earth, can He not take care of all our needs! In deed He can! Heaven is the dwelling place of God; the earth is His footstool, meaning our God reigns both in heaven and on the earth! Then we have it all!


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