What I Am Learning…..

What I learned this past week is that Jesus is always the answer.  His ways are amazing.  The fact that we cannot control His ways leaves us wanting more of His wisdom and knowledge.  Only if we love Him. 

What I love about being in my Jubilee years is that I get to look back and see how silly I was in so many areas of my life. Maturity has a way of unwrapping truth in a major way.  Truth about self, others and life.

One thing I know is that we are living the vapor every heartbeat and that wasting those precious heartbeats trying to be seen and applauded by other fragile human beings is really pointless.  I now see why Jesus taught us through His word to point people to GOD and GOD only.

Everything on this earth is fading fast; faster than we care to admit. We are so afraid of facing that reality so we move at a fast pace trying to be someone GOD did not create us to be.

We miss the beauty of who HE is because in our race to “no where”, we bypass what matters most……James 1:27.

I weep for my brethren in Christ, especially the Americans. As a whole we don’t have a clue. We really believe that following Christ is about going to a building and finding new ways to entertain broken humans. The majority of the spiritual gymnastics we do cannot be supported by God’s written word, so why do we waste time doing it? Because we are afraid to face the pitiful truth about our inability to control our own lives.

So we remain in sin but give it a new name such as “relevant”, “love”, “seeker friendly” and the list goes on. 

Our church buildings are full of entertaining dance teams, singers, musicians, magicians, poets, and actors/actresses…..who refuse to carry the Gospel to the streets like Jesus taught us. The Gospel is what pleases GOD!! Yet tickling one another’s flesh is what pleases us. 

Many pretend that His glory fills rooms when the popular worship song is sung….the truth is that God’s glory has not touched the earth in centuries because it would wipe out where ever it showed up….HE is that powerful. 

Deception is the easy and popular vitamin to take each morning so that we can remain blind to truth as American believers.  Yet our nation crumbles before our eyes because the saints are deceived and powerless and afraid to admit it, so let us continue to conjure up a new version of the Bible and avoid truth. Selah!!

Bending On Blistering Knees,

Eseosa Rain

One thought on “What I Am Learning…..”

  1. Come on!! That was the heart beat of Jesus. We in the Body of Christ, including myself do take that vitamin only until my heart is burden with the sorrow for those around me who say they love Him but look and and smell like the world. Does anyone really love Him?? Has anyone died so that He may live??


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