Desperate For More…..

I am so desperate for more of God.  In the midst of perilous times we are living in, I find myself seeking the face of God with Holy desperation.  I want to be set apart, no longer looking like the world or desiring earthly satisfaction.

As I rise at 5am daily and cry out to God, I sense (and see) a great falling away in the Body of Christ.  What is disturbing is that many are still sitting in the pews (chairs), yet their hearts are far from Him. They desire to be seen with no fear of the living God. 

Yet there is a remnant of believers whom God is raising up who know what time it really is and are not afraid to declare “thus says the LORD”.  What we see happening throughout the globe is not about satan doing his thing, it’s about God revealing who really belong to Him. 

The desperate, hungry and thirsty believers are running to the streets declaring the Gospel of Christ as the only solution for a lost generation. They are not running to a stage entertaining already lukewarm Christians. 

There must be a holy cry of desperation in this hour! GOD IS NOT DEAD, HE IS ALIVE!!! We need more of Him. We NEED to live in His fullness. 

When a person truly encounter the love and saving grace of God, there is no way he or she can remain silent. The Apostles in book of Acts are proof of what it looks like to be filled with His Spirit.

Wake up church! Come out of the four walls entertaining each other and GO INTO ALL THE WORLD preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. 

I pray for Desperation for God to fall upon and envelope believers everywhere. Today is the day!

Eseosa Rain

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