Spoiled, Entitled, and More

This week has been an eye opening week for me. The Holy Spirit is taking me on a journey of self examination. A journey of truth about my inner self; my heart. 

Today I had my own personal 911 emergency; at least I considered it one at the time. Then my faithful Father gently put me in check. 

What was my 911 situation? One of my smart televisions located in my entertainment room would not turn on and I wanted to watch it at that time.

Sure I could have walked out of the entertainment room, turned right and walked about 7 more steps into my other room where my other smart TV was located. But I did not want to watch a 32 inch screen when I could watch a 65 inch screen. 

And then there was the third,  52 inch TV downstairs, but why should I have to walk downstairs. I wanted what wanted!  It was so unfair.  And to add to my stressful situation, my wifi was slow. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS GOING ON?!!!

While I was having a tantrum in the good ole USA, I received messages that a few of my beloved brethren in Africa did not have food for their children, unable to get medical care for sick child, and no electricity.  Yet the news was communicated in the spirit of thankfulness and praise at the goodness of God. After speaking with my loved one in Africa, conviction filled my heart quickly. 

The reality of their situations versus mine was clearly obvious. I was acting like a spoiled brat. An entitled American. My focus was only on self and wanting to please my flesh. 

I mean I have a RIGHT to watch the TV I wanted to watch when I wanted to watch it.  I have a RIGHT to have my high speed internet working perfectly at all times. I HAVE RIGHTS!!!! 😩

But the truth overwhelmed me and I found myself crying out to GOD for forgiveness. Asking my LORD to forgive me for selfishness, being spoiled, complaining and misplaced priorities. 

The truth is that we are all blessed and GOD IS GOOD regardless of our temporary issues. I, we, have everything that we need. And GOD IS GOOD. All this material stuff is just that….stuff. 

Lord have mercy!

Eseosa Rain 

One thought on “Spoiled, Entitled, and More”

  1. Wow! We all need a reality check. It’s the visits to Kenya and Haiti and Thailand that remind us of how blessed we are. In all things we must remember to give thanks. Forgive us Abba for taking our modern conveniences for granted. Our hearts and minds should truly be focused on the needs of others.

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